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Byte-kun Festival 53th Nemure Night


  • Twilight Dusk Sexual Nemure Night - Hikaru Asada (Member Gt. Yaosha Ishizawa Vc. Asaka Igarashi Dr. Shojimaru Sugiyama)
  • しげとよ(メンバー Vo&Key.阪本稔英 B.よしえ Dr.あい沢ゆう三)
  • DAIOHJO (Katsuyuki Oyama vo&gt. Katsuhiro Yamaguchi gt. Shoji Uno ba. Shoji Sugiyama dr.)

OPEN 17:00 / START 17:30

*Reservations for the day of the event should be sent to THE SHOJIMARU e-mail (
Admission on the day will be on a first-come, first-served basis.